Sunday 22 April 2012

Guess it's not easy

Okay so the guess the food wasn't a smash hit!
Anyways for the 6 people that viewed the post, the answer is.....


So even though nobody got it I am going to continue this blog! However whether it remains as 'Guess' will be decided in 2 weeks time. If no comments are made in 2 weeks, then I will transform my blog to 'The Life of Aby' (which btw is my real name) but until then i leave you as... 
Layley xx 

Saturday 21 April 2012

Guess the Food

After yesterday's failure,
I decided to make the one quite easy so that hopefully someone will have a go at guessing!
Okay so...

Guess the lovely potato based heaven slices!
Comment to Win!
What does one win?
After a weeks worth of guesses I will put all the winners in a randomiser and,
the winner will get, their blog name posted where the pink Guess title is for a week!
Good Luck,
Happy Commenting

Guess no one commented!

Despite the 34 page views I had last night, nobody commented on the 'Guess the guy' post!
And I don't blame you this is a new blog why would you; but I'm going to tell you anyways!

Dr. Sheldon Copper a.k.a Jim Parsons!!!

Even though nobody comments I am going to continue to post Guesses,
and hopefully oneday somebody will!!
Peace and Love
Layley xx 

Friday 20 April 2012

Guess the guy?

Here goes the first ever Guess!
Only the coolest of kids know of this man!
Guess the actor and the character!
Comment below, and the winner will be declared tomorrow! (That is if anyone ever see's this)
Please can someone tell me how to even use this website! 
Layley xx

Guess I'm new

Hello world,
I really have no idea what I'm doing on Blogger or what it's all about but I'm gonna try and make a successful blog!
Firstly I have decided to dedicate my blog to you the readers, even though there are none yet!
Each day I am going to post something that you have to guess; could be a person, could be a logo, could be a famous youtuber. ANYTHING!
And you can comment your answers and then if you guess correctly something good will happen!
What exactly I don't know but I will think of something in time!
I realise at this time I am talking to myself but I hope people take interest!
Layley xx